Insight BJJ is hosting another Inter-Association gi tournament for kids, juveniles and adults of all levels who would like to sharpen their competition skills. (This means members from several Insight BJJ affiliates, Renzo Gracie gyms, and some select smaller gyms will be invited.) THIS TIME IT’S GI AND NOGI !!!
Registration Link:
Registration is $25 for gi and $25 for nogi per person during normal registration, and $35 each during late registration
Weigh-ins will start at 9am at Insight BJJ (DO NOT ARRIVE BEFORE 9AM), rules at 9:45am, and the tournament begins at 10am sharp. You do NOT need to weigh-in in your gi or nogi attire. There will be a 2 pound weight allowance. If you miss weight, we’ll try our best to place you in an appropriate division. NOTE: PLEASE WEIGH YOURSELF BEFORE SIGNING UP. If you are more than 2 pounds over you risk being disqualified if we can’t place you in another division.
Please arrive no less than 1hr 30 min ahead of your estimated first match time, and please check your estimated start time again the day of the tournament.
We will absolutely not take new registrations after 11:59pm on the Thursday before the tournament.